Introduction to the Faculty of Geography, Yunnan Normal University 云南师范大学地理学部简介
Introduction to the Faculty of Geography, Yunnan Normal University 云南师范大学地理学部简介



Introduction to the Faculty of Geography, Yunnan Normal University

The Faculty of Geography and Geographical Research of Yunnan Normal University began in the period of the National Southwest Associated University. In 2020, the Faculty of Geography and Geographical Research of Yunnan Normal University was established by integrating scientific research and teaching resources from the School of Tourism and Geographical Sciences, the Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Education of Western Resources, Environment and Geoinformatics, and the Research Center for Southwest China’s Opening-up and Borderland Security. The geography discipline of the Faculty of Geography was awarded a B+ in the fourth round of national discipline evaluation, ranking in the top 20% of geography disciplines nationwide. The Faculty of Geography has formed distinctive advantages in 6 directions, including Geographical Thought and Geography History, Urbanization Lake Water Environment Effects, Politics and Frontier Geography, Plateau Lakes and Global Change, Mountain Environment and Natural Disasters, and Ethnic Geography. In this way, a complete system of geographic talent training has been formed. The Faculty of Geography has seven undergraduate majors, including Geographic Science (a national first-class specialty and a national first-class specialty construction site), Physical Geography and Resource Environment, Human Geography and Urban and Rural Planning, Geographic Information Science, Tourism Management, Tourism Management and Service Education (a national second-class specialty), and Surveying and Mapping Engineering; a master’s degree program in Geography, a master’s degree program in Subject Teaching (Geography), Curriculum and Pedagogy, and Tourism Management; a doctoral program in Geography, including six second-level doctoral programs in Physical Geography, Human Geography, Cartography and GIS, and a postdoctoral station in Geography.

The Faculty of Geography has more than 30 provincial and ministerial platforms for scientific research and personnel training, mainly including Collaborative Innovation Center for Geoenvironment and Frontier Development in Southwest China, Engineering Research Center for Western Resources, Environment and Geographic Information Technology of the Ministry of Education, National and Regional Research Centers of the Ministry of Education (Bay of Bengal Area Research Center, Myanmar Research Center, Cambodia Research Center), National and Regional Research Center for “One Belt, One Road” (Bay of Bengal Regional Research Center), Yunnan Provincial Academician Workstation, Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Plateau Geographical Processes and Environmental Change, Yunnan Provincial Research Center for Geospatial Information Engineering Technology, Research Center for Southwest China’s Opening-up and Borderland Security, Key New Think Tank in Yunnan Province, National Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center, National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for Geography, “Dashanbao International Important Wetland” National Extracurricular Practice Training Base for  College Students, Workshop of Famous Teachers in Yunnan Province, etc.

In recent years, the Faculty of Geography has presided over more than 200 national and provincial level projects, such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the major projects of the National Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of China, the general projects of the National Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of China, the National Science and Technology Academic Works Publishing Fund Project, the 973 Program Preliminary Research Special Project, and the Humanities and Social Sciences Project of the Ministry of Education, etc., all of which are subordinated to the disciplines of geography, ethnology, economics, ecology, education, and sociology. There are more than 60 monographs or textbooks solely-authored, first-authored, or edited by teachers in the Faculty of Geography, and more than 500 academic papers published by independent, first-authored, or corresponding authors in Science, Social Sciences in China, Nature Communications, Guangming Daily (Theory Edition), Journal of Geography, Journal of Surveying and Mapping, Journal of Remote Sensing, and other well-known journals at home and abroad.

The Faculty of Geography has now formed a “one body and two wings” development structure with geographic science as the core, supported by geographic information science and technology, featured by tourism and planning, and has become an important base for geographic science talent training, scientific research, cooperation and exchange in western China.


      云南师范大学地理学部及地理科学研究肇始于西南联合大学(简称“西南联大”)时期,2020年学校整合旅游与地理科学学院、西部资源环境地理信息学技术教育部工程研究中心、中国西南对外开放与边疆安全研究中心等科研和教学资源,成立云南师范大学地理学部。地理学部的地理学学科在第四轮全国学科评估中获B+,进入地理学科全国前20%。地理学部在地理学思想方法与地理学史、城镇化湖泊水环境效应、政治与边疆地理、高原湖泊及全球变化、山地环境与自然灾害、民族地理等6个方向形成特色优势。形成了地理人才培养的完整体系。地理学部拥有地理科学 (国家一类特色专业,国家一流专业建设点)、自然地理与资源环境、人文地理与城乡规划、地理信息科学、旅游管理、旅游管理与服务教育(国家二类特色专业)、测绘工程等7个本科专业;地理学一级学科硕士点、学科教学(地理)、课程与教学论、旅游管理等硕士点;地理学一级学科博士点,包括自然地理学、人文地理学、地图学与地理信息系统等6个二级学科博士点和地理学一级学科博士后流动站。

      地理学部现有科学研究和人才培养的省部级平台30余个。主要包括:中国西南地缘环境与边疆发展协同创新中心、西部资源环境地理信息技术教育部工程研究中心、教育部国别和区域研究中心(孟加拉湾地区研究中心、缅甸研究中心、柬埔寨研究中心)、国家民委“一带一路”国别和区域研究中心 (孟加拉湾地区研究中心)、云南省院士工作站、云南省高原地理过程与环境变化重点实验室、云南省地理空间信息工程技术研究中心、中国西南对外开放与边疆安全研究中心、云南省重点培育新型智库、国家级虚拟仿真实验教学中心、地理科学国家实验教学示范中心、“大山包国际重要湿地” 国家级大学生课外实践训练基地、云南省教学名师工作室等。

      近年来,地理学部主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家哲学社会科学基金重大项目、国家哲学社会科学基金面上项目、国家科学技术学术著作出版基金项目、973计划前期研究专项、教育部人文社科项目等国家级和省部级项目约200余项,项目分属地理学、民族学、经济学、生态学、教育学、社会学等学科领域。地理学部教师独著、第一作者、主编专著或教材60余部,独立、第一作者、通讯作者在Science、《中国社会科学》、Nature Communications、《光明日报(理论版)》、《地理学报》、《测绘学报》、《遥感学报》等国内外知名期刊发表学术论文500余篇。
